Just Food Collective is a community of passionate people committed to transforming the food system.
We research systemic inequities, advocate for just solutions and then make change happen!
Right now, our core work revolves around food security, food literacy and food waste elimination.
Local Food Production in Gaza
Local Food Production in Gaza
Your urgent support is needed for local food production in Gaza.
Women in Gaza from of the Urban Agripreneurs Forum (UWAF) remain steadfast in their commitment to help feed local people. Over the past two years UWAF have supported over 500 small farming and food micro-enterprises owned and operated by women.
Only 20% are still functioning with low to medium capacities, 30% have fully lost their production capacity and 50% have been damaged partially or totally.
These UWAF-supported women’s small food operations need to recover to provide local, secure food where people are simply trying to survive.
$500 raised will help an existing enterprise expand their reach!
$1000 will help to repair a damaged one back into operation!
All funds will go toward purchasing basic equipment, seed stock and production needs.
This collaborative campaign is by: Just Food Collective, our mentors Sustain: The Australian Food Network, Global Gardens of Peace, Borderlands Cooperative, and our friends we have worked with for many years at GUPAP (Gaza Urban & Peri-Urban Agriculture Platform).
We are currently raising money so we can feed 10,000+ hungry students.
Please donate if you can!
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Previous Projects
Rebuilding Women Owned Farms in Gaza
Just Food contributed to the Rebuilding Women Farms in Gaza campaign for the Gaza Urban and Peri-urban Agriculture Platform and the Urban Women Agripreneurs Forum. Beyond weekly meetings with stakeholders, Sustain and Global Gardens of Peace, we worked on the campaign communications, sharing the stories of these resilient female agripreneurs. Learn more about the campaign here.
Oakhill Food Justice Farm
Our members were actively involved as working bees on the early days of Sustain’s Oakhill Food Justice Farm. We are now frequent visitors and partners, and grateful to host our workshops on this inspiring urban farm.
UN Food Systems Independent Dialogue
We had the opportunity of contributing to the Victorian Independent Food System Dialogue, organised by Sustain, focused on improving food systems across Australia. We joined conversations on the structure of the event, engagement, and inclusivity and gained insight into how collaborative events can be organised to best engage an audience in an online format. In the plenary discussions, we were at once attendees, witnesses, contributors, and facilitators, deepening our understanding of the different actors and their roles in transforming our food system.